
    Meet the Team: Andy Miller

    Up next in our ‘Meet the Team’ series, we have Andy Miller, Non-Executive Direct

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    Tips for Maintaining Culture Through Change

    A company’s culture is vital to its success, provided it is a healthy culture that fosters inclusiveness, productivity and empathy, among other things. 93% of CEOs say that it’s important that their organisation has a strong corporate purpose that’s reflected in its values, behaviours and culture.

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    Employee burnout is an organisational issue

    Our CEO Paul Reid discusses why it’s likely to be fundamental organisational issues, not a lack of individual resilience, that’s causing your employees to burn out. Burnout is on the rise – in fact, Glassdoor cited that it increased by 48% between Summer 2021 and 2022 alone.

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    Meet the Team: Paul Reid

    Next up in our ‘Meet the Team’ series is Paul Reid, Founder and CEO.

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    Guest blog: We must help more minority ethnic women get happily back to work

    Joy Lewis, CEO from one of our partners, AAI Employability shares her thoughts on how employers can help more minority ethnic women get happily back to work. Britain is in desperate need of talented staff – yet many from one of the most resourceful and capable groups of people in the country continue to be reluctant to re-enter the workplace after periods of unemployment.

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    How to Leverage Employee Voice

    Did you know that 74% of people feel more engaged at work when they feel their voice is heard? Employees know what they need best to succeed, so by simply listening to their people, leaders can provide proactive support. This could be, for example, influencing processes, enhancing resources or making small changes to improve efficiency.

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    Meet the Team: Mandy Kerley

    Next up in our ‘Meet the Team’ series is Mandy Kerley, Chief Operating Officer.

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    Meet the Team: Cassie Pryde

    Next up in our ‘Meet the Team’ series is Cassie Pryde, Senior Customer Wellbeing Manager.

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    5 ways anonymous feedback can improve the workplace

    As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved, however sometimes people can be hesitant or even resistant to talk about what’s affecting them at work.

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    6 methods for boosting employee engagement

    Employee engagement can be challenging – some people love to engage from the offset whilst others don’t want to get involved immediately or at all. In this article, uncover our six actionable methods for boosting employee engagement within your organisation.

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    Meet the Team: Victoria Mackie

    Continuing our ‘Meet the Team’ series, today we introduce Victoria Mackie, Senior Customer Wellbeing Manager.

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    Companies shouldn’t just focus on ESG because they HAVE to – it must be authentic

    Much has been written about Environmental, Social and Governance – known as ESG for short – but at Trickle, we believe this goes beyond profit margins and financial performance. It’s about contributing to the greater good of society as a whole.

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