• Webinars
  • May 16, 2024

Webinar: Transform Employee Frustration into high impact change

Join us for our webinar “Transform Employee Frustration into High-Impact Change” on Wednesday 29th May at 11:30am.

During the webinar, we will delve into key topics, including:

  • How everyday conversations can spark high-impact change: Unpacking the potential of regular interactions to drive significant transformations
  • How you can transform workplace frustration and ineffective habits into high-impact improvements using a straightforward, ground-up change process.
  • Empowering individuals through daily improvements: Highlighting how giving employees the opportunity to enhance their day-to-day work leads to increased engagement and overall job satisfaction.
  • Engaging employees to understand priorities within the working environment: Techniques for aligning staff insights with organisational goals for deeper engagement.
  • Driving continuous improvement: Strategies to maintain momentum in workplace enhancements and innovations.

Sitting on our panel will be Dr. Kevin Teoh from Birkbeck, University of London who produced the groundbreaking report, Organisational Wellbeing Interventions: Case Studies from the NHS. This report, which has been featured in mainstream media including The BBC and The Guardian, highlights that interventions targeting the organisational and staff working environment are more effective in promoting staff wellbeing than those focusing solely on individual support. Also joining us is Martin Osler, CPO at Johnston Carmichael, who brings a wealth of experience in ensuring the best workplace experience by shaping pivotal HR and development strategies.

This is a unique opportunity to learn from leading experts and gain practical strategies for driving positive change within your organisation. Join us as we unlock the secrets to organisational wellbeing and empower ourselves to be the change we wish to see in our workplaces.

Meet Dr Kevin Teoh

Dr Kevin Teoh is a Chartered Psychologist and Lecturer in Organisational Psychology with the Department of Organisational Psychology at Birkbeck, University of London. He is also the Executive Officer for the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology.

His primary research interests are around developing healthier workplaces, and the translation of research into practice, policy and public dissemination. Kevin has collaborated extensively with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and the Society of Occupational Medicine, and has a particular interest in the working conditions and wellbeing of healthcare workers.

He has also worked on projects in the private and public sectors in the United Kingdom and abroad, encouraging a systems perspective to managing staff health and wellbeing. Through his work, Kevin has received awards for excellence in research from the British Psychological Society and the Society of Occupational Medicine.

Meet Martin Osler

Chief People Officer, Martin joined Johnston Carmichael in 2021. A Chartered MCIPD, Martin started his career in journalism and government communications, before building HR expertise in various roles. Martin was Corporate Services Director for the teaching regulator where he led the HR and Communications functions before moving to Johnston Carmichael.

Martin also ran a people and communications consultancy which he sold to London-based UK-wide agency Kindred in 2008. He recently attended the Moore Global Harvard Leadership Programme and one of his finest achievements was
climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

At Johnston Carmichael Martin is responsible for ensuring all of our people have the best possible experience working in our firm. His remit includes shaping their Employee Value Proposition, HR, Learning and Development, Recruitment and Early Careers pathways.